Saturday, August 10, 2013

 3:33 AM      No comments

Despite Rihanna and Chris'
troubled past, she has no ill will
toward her ex and she always
wishes him well, so naturally
she was worried about Chris'
well-being after he fainted.
"That's heartbreaking and
crazy devastating because she
doesn't want Chris to be sick,
let alone to faint," the source
explains. "She was worried at
first but after she heard he
didn't go to the hospital, she
was relieved. That could have
been bad news for him."
The source adds, "She's glad
he's doing better and wants
him to be all right and take
care of himself."
It's nice to know that Rihanna
is so concerned about Chris
after all they've been through.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


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