Saturday, August 10, 2013

 1:52 AM      No comments

Emily Atack has admitted that
she DID date Harry Styles and
it was 'brief but fun'.
In fact, could we please just
say that again (but perhaps
Emily says: "We were never
boyfriend and girlfriend. I think
that's the first time I've ever
admitted to what it was,
because I've always just
shrugged it off before but I
think it's best to clear it up."
Indeed, she has shrugged it off
many times to our faces, but
like we said, we TOTALLY knew
it! They pair were linked two
years ago but both have
always denied it.
Until now.
So have they spoken since
their fling ended and One
Direction took over, well pretty
much the whole world? Well,
no sadly not.
"Harry and I had a laugh. It was
brief, but fun, and then we
moved on. We haven't spoken
in a while - he's one of the
most famous people in the
world now," Emily says.
And we suppose she is right –
Harry is a pretty busy man
So that's that – Emily Atack DID
snog Harry Styles, it totally
happened and it only took her
two blimmin' years to admit it!
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


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