Wednesday, November 20, 2013

 2:09 AM      No comments

Sometimes , I think
Upon a merry drink
Where did he go?
Where do I begin ?
Do I start with the end ?
For what do I truly know ?

I was the tenanted angel .
He treated he like a demon , even
more . With the restrictions I placed, and the purple bruises on he made on my face .

I was the one to walk away .
And he knew why .
For I was golden light ,
And he let me die.
I was the who , would wrap his coffin with a bow .
Because the less I thought about
him .

The more need not know.
He was now , underground,
and I had my black masquerade ,
for he knew , when he died
I was the woman he played .

His trust was like a mirror ,
I could have fixed it when
shattered , but I would still see the crack , And it would still look tattered.


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