Friday, November 22, 2013

 11:38 PM      No comments

A pastor in Mpumalanga was jailed for 10 years by the Nelspruit Regional Court on Friday for sodomising an 8-year-old boy. The pastor, from Tonga near Komatipoort, was arrested in March 2010 after his neighbour's child was assaulted, a Sapa correspondent reported. The married father of five had pleaded not guilty to a charge of rape. His wife testified in mitigation of sentence and claimed neighbours falsely accused him after he asked them to join his church. "I have never left my husband alone for the past 32 years of our marriage... My husband and I usually stick together. We go together to do shopping and there was never a day he was left alone," she said. Handing down sentence Magistrate S Masango said there was corroborating evidence from the child and another witness implicating him in the crime.
"The court rejects that he was implicated just by asking the neighbours to join his church. In their testimony, the victim's parents said they had nothing against the accused, and there were no grudges held against him," Masango said. He said the child testified in camera that he was sodomised a number of times when he was sent to the pastor's spaza shop. He gave the boy sweets when he abused him. His name would be placed on the national register for sexual offenders.
"After your release from prison and when applying for a job where women and children are involved, you should disclose about this case," Masango said.
If he failed to do so, he would be jailed for another seven years or fined R140 000. The pastor was also ruled unfit to possess a firearm.

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