Friday, January 23, 2015

 10:17 PM      , , ,    No comments
John Dumelo has released a list of reason why not to get married. Although these are reasons that have being around for a while, the truth is they need to be knocked into the heads of Africans who think marriage is the ultimate goal in a human being’s life. Check out the 10 reasons why you should not get married below.
  • Don’t marry for sex,
  • don’t marry because you are of age.
  • don’t marry because you are getting old,
  • don’t marry because you are lonely,
  • don’t marry because you need someone to support you financially,
  • don’t marry because you mistakenly got pregnant.
  • don’t marry because you don’t want to lose the person,
  • don’t marry because of family pressures,
  • don’t marry because you like the idea of marriage and admire every wedding gown you see.
  • don’t marry because all your friends are getting married.
But get married because you are in love, get married cos he or she is your best friend and when that love is no more , he or she can still make u smile…..#somedayiwillgetmarried


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