Friday, January 23, 2015

Kanye West talked about why he hardly smile and his love for design and perspective about God at the Fashion Los Angeles, yesterday, January 22, 2015.

Kanye said  “Back when I was working on Yessuz, I saw this book from the 1800s and it was velvet-covered with brass and everything, I looked at all these people’s photos and they look so real and their outfits were incredible and they weren’t smiling and people, you know the paparazzi, always come up to me, Why you not smiling and I think, not smiling makes me smile. When you see paintings in an old castle, people are not smiling cause it just wouldn’t look as cool.”

“In my opinion, God is the number one creator and anytime we create, we’re an extension of doing his work on earth, that’s why we’re here, what can we do for humanity and you know, in a way, fashion is what defines the time.”

On his love for fashion and design, the Yeezus rapper said “Everyone has some form of fashion every single day. We have the power to change the world. I believe that through design, because design is the closest to truth, problem solving truth is the closest to love and love is the closest thing to God and God is love.”
After his speech, Kanye said he doesn’t know if he’s making any sense. In his words,  “I don’t know if I even made one f–king good point.”


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