Monday, August 12, 2013

 7:01 AM      No comments

She is one of the two
reps in the Big Brother
house repping Nigeria,
(The other, Melvin) but
she is argubly the most
controversial figure in
the house.
With her heavily
exaggerated stories and
made up lies coupled with
her flirting and sudden
romance with South Africa's
Angelo, we take a look at
her many exploits in the Big
brother show and how it
may affect her $300,000 Big
Brother Chase ambitions as
we near the the finale of
Africa's biggest reality TV
Young, spontaneous and
excessive are words Big
Brother Africa fans relate
easily to her. Her stories
elicit taunts and laughter
from Nigerian viewers. Many
waive her off, preferring to
call her 'a disgrace to
Nigeria', without a second
thought. But that is what
Beverly Ada Osu has
brought upon herself.
Her many lies and
Beverly made ears twinge
earlier when she revealed
that she was expelled from
secondary school. Then she
spoke about a 'thing' with
singer 2Shortz and tongues
wagged more. The singer's
rebuttal of any links with her
made people have a rethink.
Could Beverly be making up
her stories? Not long after
many discerning fans began
to pick holes in her stories.
Funny enough, she told
many of them to
housemates without
bothering if she was over-
stepping boundaries of
decency, tact, fact and truth.
"In Nigeria, I can be walking
past a market, and a market
woman will stone me," Bev
toldChasemates last week
Friday. She claimed a 42-
year-old man wanted to
marry her after meeting her
just for a day, just to
buttress an earlier
statement: "My mum used
to tell me that the guy I will
marry, I won't date for
While confirming that she
dropped out of Babcock
University, she raised
viewers eyebrows with two
blatant lies: "I went to the
most expensive school in
Nigeria. I was a first-
class material before
dropping out of school,
not because I don't have
the brain."
Many can easily attest to the
fact that Igbinedion
University's fees dwarf that
of Babcock and many a first-
class student can spell
difference without blinking.
If you still care you can read
through these random
sensational picks: "Flirting is
in my genes," she told
Angelo. "I have over 16
Bibles," she also told
housemates. She claimed
that popular singer
Omawumi Megbele was her
best friend.
That was after she let out
that a journey from Nigeria
to Ghana by road took
between 2-3hours. For
Beverly, the Nigeria naira
exchanges at a N100 to $1:
" I told him [one of her ex
boyfriends] that I would
charge N100,000, that's
about a $1,000!"
Being real?
Beverly found herself on the
wrong side of a love triangle
early in the game. Many
gave her the benefit of
doubt when Ugandan
basketballer, Isaac 'LK4'
Lugude decided to play a
fast one on her and South
African model Koketso
Modibo. But many failed to
take that as a hint.
She moved on to Ethiopian
student, Bimp, after being
shipped off to the Diamond
House from the Ruby House.
She didn't need his
permission to share his bed:
She latched onto him like a
leech for her daily survival.
But Bimp's avowed
commitment to his girlfriend
ensured that he kept the
lines of friendship very clear.
When South Africa's Angelo
Collins connected with
Beverly at the party zone, it
was a case of two
housemates finding love on
the rebound; and that love
which Beverly shares with
the dance instructor has
seen her throw caution to
the winds. After two near
mishaps, Beverly finally let
go last Friday in Biggie's
bathtub. She became the
fourth female Chasemate to
have séx on live TV,
following closely in the
footsteps of Betty, Selly and
Her loose tongue
Beverly's stories have no
boundaries and respect. "My
grandmother speaks Ibo and
doesn't speak English very
well. She is an illiterate!"
Her mother's dealings in life
are in the open. From
revealing that her 52-year-
old mother carried drugs,
she claimed that she was
also an alaiye (mother of
street urchins), and spoke
boldly of how her mother
took one young man to the
cleaners with the help of her
brothers. Hmmm…
She told Elikem on Monday:
"My first boyfriend was
Frank Okosa. He was 18 and
in SS2, I was 15 in SS3. He
was the first to
have séx with me." She
went ahead to reel out a list
of her many boyfriends after
Okosa: CJ, Nosa (32yrs),
Rukkie (35yrs), Special
(32yrs) and Curtis (28yrs).
To justify her many men,
she gave a lame excuse: "All
my ex were over-protective
and they took me for
granted." If she had stopped
there it would have been
very unlike her. But she
dropped another bombshell
for Elikem, the listening ear:
"I can't make love except I
am high."
On Wednesday, Beverly still
wanted to have a say, as
long as any housemate
made a comment. So, when
Namibia's Dillish Matthews
disclosed that her mother's
birthday was August 14,
Beverly jumped in, "my
mum's birthday
is tomorrow."
Beverly's many tales
coupled with her bathtub
escapade with Angelo is not
doing her any favours with
the fans. But if she can avoid
the possible eviction
nomination list next week,
she will be in the annals
of Big Brother Africa history
books as the
only Chasematewho made
the grand finale without
being nominated for
11weeks. If her name
comes up next week, it
would be safe to say even at
this time that she may never
make it to the finale,
Nigerian or not!
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


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